Li Feng Attends the 10th ASOSAI Seminar on Environmental Auditing and Visits Cambodia
Updated: 2025-03-03    Soure:International Cooperation Department

Mr. Li Feng, Deputy Auditor General of CNAO, and his delegation attended the 10th ASOSAI Seminar on Environmental Auditing in Indonesia and visited SAI Cambodia from 20 to 27 February, 2025.

The 10th ASOSAI Seminar on Environmental Auditing and the 10th Working Meeting of ASOSAI WGEA were hosted by SAI Indonesia with the theme of “Solid Waste Management Audit”. Dr. Isma Yatun, Chairperson of SAI Indonesia, opened the meeting. Mr. Li Feng made a speech on behalf of Mr. Hou Kai, Chair of ASOSAI WGEA and Auditor General of CNAO, and presented the Third Green Vision Award to SAI Thailand. Over 40 participants from 15 SAIs attended the meeting.

During his visit to Cambodia, Mr. Li Feng held talks with Ms. Som Kim Suor, Auditor General of SAI Cambodia, on topics of mutual interest.